
Deadly Desserts

Created by Deadly Desserts

A 2-10 player family game for people who like food and feud! We want to be fully transparent and make you aware that our fulfillment vendor charges a minimum for each shipment. This means that ordering 1 acrylic standee has the same shipping cost as ordering 1 game. We’re not charging your credit card for your BackerKit survey until a few weeks before fulfillment (October-November). We’re doing this because we’re hoping shipping prices will drop by then, due to less COVID-19 activity, and thus your shipping prices will decrease. Aside from that, grab your biggest frying pan and get ready to show off your Skill(et)!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

BackerKit update, new character sketches, new acrylic standees
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 03:57:26 PM

Hope you guys are doing as well as these goats we discovered on google!

BackerKit Surveys

We’re on schedule to send you a BackerKit survey next week. This survey is important because it determines shipping (which we did not yet charge on Kickstarter) and lets you add additional items to your delivery. You’ll be charged shipping based on the address you enter in when you fill out the survey, but will be able to change your delivery address all the way until delivery (in case you move or want your stuff delivered elsewhere).

Gourmayhem Character Sketches

New character sketches! Check it.

Shadow Swine (Gourmayhem Hangry Pig)

Asparaguy & Bananaboy (Gourmayhem Asparaguy)

Bubbs, The Bionic Bamboozler (Gourmayhem Double Agent Seltzer)

Froyozen, The Candy Commander (Gourmayhem Froyozen, The Dragon)


We’ve almost got everything set up to take pre-orders for late backers. The main roadblock we need to drive through is the ice cream cone hat shipping. Our manufacturer is recommending we avoid folding the hat. The challenge is that the ice cream cone hat is 24x12 inches unfolded, which is a big item to ship. We’re looking into using even more premium material for the hat so that folding doesn’t ruin it. If we have to choose between more expensive shipping and even higher quality material, we’re definitely choosing even higher quality material!

Acrylic Standee Samples

Here a peak at the Froyozen and Chicken and Waffle Cavalry acrylic standees!

You’re more than good, you’re grape.
about 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 04:58:32 PM

Thank you. It means the world that you believe in our project enough to support it. We’re so astronomically, exuberantly, inter-galactically excited to get Deadly Desserts to you!

BackerKit survey

You’ll be receiving a BackerKit survey in around two weeks from now, which lets you change your shipping address and add any add-ons. We’ll send another update soon about the exact timing and what to expect. We’re also looking into a late-pledge option for those of you who’d like to back Deadly Desserts and didn’t get to do so yet.

Future updates

We’ll be providing you with production updates, pictures of the Froyozen and Chicken and Waffle Cavalry acrylic standees, and new gourmayhem character designs. Speaking of which, here are some initial sketches of Shadow Swine (Hangry Pig’s Gourmayhem Design)!

New character: Froyozen, the Candy Commander

He used to breathe fire before getting the cold shoulder. Now he’s stronger than ever, using his froyo-breathing powers to lead an army of candy! Froyozen, The Dragon’s Gourmayhem Design will be Froyozen, The Candy Commander!

Hang out in the comments and let us know what you’re thinking. Follow us on Instagram in the mean time.

New Character: Bubbs, The Bionic Billybobjoe | Froyozen Goumayhem Design Vote | Acrylic Standee Characters
about 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 07:01:03 PM

New Character: Bubbs, The Bionic Billybobjoe

Guess which Double Agent Seltzer Gourmayhem Design received the most votes? Here’s a few hints: it’s not made of bamboo, does not involve Bambi, and… has absolutely nothing to do with anyone named Billybobjoe. You got bamboozled! Double Agent Seltzer’s Gourymayhem design will be Bubbs, The Bionic Bamboozler! We’ll show you a sketch as soon as we can. Thanks to everyone who participated, we’re bubbling with joy!

Froyozen The Dragon’s Gourmayhem Design

Finally, and definitely the most exciting, it’s time to decide Froyozen the Dragon’s Gourmayhem Design! This is a special one because of how much we love dessert. That and we love both designs! Vote here for Froyozen The Dragon’s Gourmayhem design. The deadline ends April 22, 9:00am PST.

Acrylic Standee Characters

The acrylic standee characters will be Froyozen The Dragon, Waffle Wizard, and Chicken and Waffle Cavalry! Thanks so much for letting us know which characters you’d want! We're working on samples right now and will show you pictures of the Froyozen and Chicken and Waffle Cavalry standees as soon as we can.

Everyone will have the option to add additional individual character standees (only these three characters) after the campaign ends through a BackerKit survey we’ll send out.

New Character: Asparaguy & Bananaboy | Double Agent Seltzer Goumayhem Design Vote
about 4 years ago – Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 09:31:18 PM

New Character: Asparaguy & Bananaboy

Have no fear, the produce duo is here: Asparaguy’s Gourmayhem Design will be Asparaguy & Bananaboy! We’ll show you a sketch as soon as we can. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Double Agent Seltzer’s Gourmayhem Design

Next up, it’s time to decide on Double Agent Seltzer’s Gourmayhem Design! All of the food groups have a combat style: meat – melee, plants – magic, drinks – robotic, desserts – deadly. Double Agent Seltzer is a drink so both of his Gourmayhem designs are robotic. He's also the only character that can either help or hurt you, so both designs have an element of uncertainty. Vote here for Double Agent Seltzer's Gourmayhem design. The deadline ends April 21, 9:00am PST.

New Character: Shadow Swine | Another New Character Vote | Waffle Wizard Acrylic Standee
about 4 years ago – Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 10:50:13 PM

New Character: Shadow Swine

Keep your friends close and your bacon closer because Hangry Pig’s Gourmayhem Design will be Shadow Swine! We’ll show you a sketch as soon as we can. Thanks to everyone who participated, we’re having so much fun letting you guys decide!

Asparaguy’s Gourmayhem Design

Next up, Asparaguy! Vote here for Asparaguy's Gourmayhem design. The deadline ends April 21st, 9:00am PST.

Waffle Wizard Acrylic Standee Prototype

Our manufacturer sent us a prototype/sample of a Waffle Wizard acrylic standee. He’s looking pretty irresistible! You can vote for the acrylic standee characters here.